About Rock and Lake
Rock and Lake is situated in Finnish Lakeland and is a network of cooperating, local companies who want to offer high-quality outdoor activities and accommodation in cottages, cabins and villas to travelers.
The Finnish Lakeland is an abundance of rocks and lakes, created by the Ice Age. After the ice melted it left a bare labyrinth of solid rock, different rock formations, lakes, streams and rivers. Slowly and carefully the nature covered a part of the land by typical Finnish woods; stately pine forest, beautiful birch woods and fabulous spruce forest. On top of this Finns has added the high-quality infra-structure. This means that you can easily come and enjoy the sounds of the Finnish nature and still have a lot of space on your own.
The lakes in the Finnish Lakeland area are clean and rich of fish. From July till October you find a lot of berries and mushrooms the woods. Since the Finnish nature is clean, you can eat berries direct from the twigs or prepare great meals with the fish and mushrooms. Thanks to the unique Finnish Everyman’s right everyone has a chance to enjoy real local superfood.
In these multiform surroundings you find the services of the Rock and Lake companies.
The main idea is that our guests find all services of network companies' on the same webpages and can book these easily on these pages or from one single customer service. Our aim is to facilitate the booking of a holiday or an outdoor activity and make it even pleasant and the services on the spot comfortable.
Since Rock and Lake is also an online web shop, we recommend you to explore this service. Almost all our cottages are in the web shop and you can book your cottage holiday easily online.

Already now we offer many outdoor activities like guided tours, rental boats and canoes. Our online shop simplifies the combination of different activities with an accommodation. We are developing and expanding the web shop continuously to satisfy all our customers wishes. Of course we also give our guests private service by e-mail and phone. You can directly contact our Team via email address